Thursday, November 20, 2008

Update on me

Well I've been back on a bunch of meds for a month and a half now but I don't feel much better. I'm going to the doctor today to see if he wants to change my meds or what. I'm also going to inquire about a mental health clinic near by to see if he thinks it would be good for me.

I hate the medicine game, changing meds and raising and lowering dosages until it's right only to have it stop working again later.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Knowing Your Diagnosis

Do you know what your diagnosis is? You should. Depression isn't really a diagnosis. It's usually something more indepth such as Clinical Depression or Treatment Resistant Depression. Knowing your diagnosis allows you to look it up, to find people who have the same problem as you and to ask intelligent questions.

Ask your doctor what your actual diagnosis is. If he/she is reluctant to tell you, I'd be wary. You have every right to know.

So what did the doctor say?

Major Depressive Disorder, Unipolar Depression or Clinical Depression?
Look here.

Treatment Resistant Depression?
Look here and here.

Dysthmic Disorder?
Look here.

Bipolar Disorder?
Look here.

Look here.

Personality disorder? Any kind?
Look here.

Anxiety Disorder? Obsessive Compulsive Disorder? Post-Traumatic Disorder?
Look here.

Just do an online search to anything your doctor tells you.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Struggling with Anger and Frustration

I have been really angry and frustrated lately, especially when it comes to my kids. I'm yelling a lot and feel like such a bad parent. I try to hold off and count to 10 but I just can't take it. It seems like they NEVER listen to a word I say and I just want some time to myself, to do what I want for a change.

I'm thinking I might need to go back on anti-psychotics. I was using them at one point to control these types of feelings.