Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Mood Chart

I started keeping a mood chart mid April but beginning of May was changed to the one my doctor wanted me to use. I still have trouble filling it out everyday. I'm not convinced I have Bipolar. It made sense when he explained it to me, that when I get severly frustrated, angry and anxious I'm hypomanic but I feel those when I'm depressed and when I'm not. If I'm not depressed but am frustrated and angry most of the day, does that make me hypomanic? I don't think so. My next doc appt isn't until July 8th so I'm going to be so confused until then.

It made sense when I read about dysphoric hypomanic but now I'm not so sure. Only a few places mention that. Most say hypomania is like light mania and that I should be having endless energy etc... Well I don't. I almost wish I did so I could get something done around this house. I struggle with what to put on the mood chart daily.